Welcome to Sheristock. I have been having this once a year event ever since I moved into the wonderful old run down, red farmhouse in Ramona. The house sits on five acres on the east side, and at the base of Mount Woodson. It used to be just called “my birthday party”. But one year my niece surprised me by painting a sign for my party that said “Sheristock”. I guess she thought it was like Woodstock because of all the old Hippies and music. So the name “Sheristock” stuck. Over the years it keeps evolving, and a lot of people have contributed to make this party a success. My neighbor Brian comes over and hangs up black light posters. My friend Tony (Bob) Christian and Phil Salomone came and built a stage. Wayne Marcus laid a bunch of bricks, built a shade cover , and built us a wonderful bathroom with a back door. My friend Denise and my Neighbor Brian have brought us the beautiful tye dye backdrops for the stage. My current front yard RV’er Danny cleared the down wood from the yard, mowed the big field, and patched up the stage. Hans Jensen and his friends built a roof over the front patio. My Niece Allison and her kids have manned the grill for hours. Laurie Forshner has arrived early and served me champagne while I did last minute preparations. EVERYBODY has brought delicious food to share! Too many to mention. My Friend Tom Forbis has brought his incredible sound system. One year someone brought a bunch of freshly caught fish and we had fish tacos. Another time, my Aunt’s freezer broke and she brought over tons of meat for the grill. And the MUSIC!!! OMG!! We have had so many INCREDIBLE musicians show up and make this a really really great show!
Hello world!